Travellers can only apply for an eTA Canada if they agree with all of the terms in this statement. Are you filling in the form on behalf of one or more persons? Then you need to fully read this statement to them. Then, indicate in the form whether they all agree to it. will pass the information filled out in the application form on to the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), which decides on the admissibility of the traveller(s), based on the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada (IRPA). IRCC can in turn pass on the information filled out in the application form to other Canadian government institutions such as, but not limited to, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), provincial and territorial governments and foreign governments, in accordance with article 8.2 of the Privacy Act of Canada. The information can also be passed on (or validated by) foreign law enforcement instances and detention authorities in the field of enforcement of immigration laws, in so far as it does not endanger the concerning traveller(s) or their families. The information can also be systematically validated by other Canadian government institutions, with the goal of validating the status and identity of the traveller(s).
If biometric data is provided to IRCC, these will be stored and shared with the RCMP. Fingerprints can also be shared with law enforcement instances in Canada, in accordance with article 13.11, paragraph 1, of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations of Canada. Biometric data can be used to establish or verify the identity of the traveller in order to prevent or investigate a crime, or to prosecute the traveller on the basis of a law in Canada or one of its provinces. Biometric data can also be used to establish or verify the identity of travellers whose physical or mental condition does not reasonably allow this to be done in another way. Biometric data can also be shared with foreign governments with which the Canadian government has an agreement or arrangement.
The information filled out in the application form can be stored in one or several Personal Information Banks (PIB) of the Canadian government, in accordance with article 10.1 of the Privacy Act of Canada. Persons have the right to access the personal information stored in a PIB, based on the Access to Information Act of Canada. More information about the use of PIBs by IRCC and the privacy programs of the Canadian government are available on: .
I hereby state that all travellers filled in on this application form have confirmed that all the information provided on the application form is, to the best of their knowledge, true, complete and correct. Misrepresenting facts is a violation of article 127 of the IRPA and may lead to a travel ban or deportation of the traveller(s) concerned. I hereby also declare that all travellers filled in on this application form have fully understood and agreed to all the above information.