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Information about the visa

  • Do I need a visa?

    Are you travelling to Australia? Then you need to apply for an Australia visa. This also applies to EU and UK tourists and business travellers, including minors.

    Only the following travellers are exempted and do not need a visa:
    • Travellers with an Australian passport
    • Travellers with a New Zealand passport
    • Travellers with an APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC)

    Transfers in Australia are only allowed without a visa if you meet these requirements:
    • You do not leave the airport in Australia in between
    • You stay less than eight hours at the airport
    • You already have a ticket and all other necessary travel documents for the onward flight
    • Your airline will transfer your checked baggage without your intervention
    • You are a national of a country in the EU, Switzerland or the United Kingdom

  • Which visa type do I apply for?

    The eVisitor visa Australia
    Are you travelling to Australia for a holiday or business trip? Then you can make use of the eVisitor visa. This type of visa for Australia is the cheapest, easiest and fastest to apply for. Check whether you meet the requirements for this visa and submit your application online.

    Apply for the eVisitor visa Australia now

    The eVisitor visa is the most applied for Australia visa type. Any reference on this website to the "Australia visa" refers to the eVisitor visa, unless expressly stated otherwise.

    ETA Australia
    The ETA Australia is very similar to the eVisitor visa, but the ETA is intended for travellers who are nationals of Andorra, Brunei, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea and the United States of America. They cannot apply for an eVisitor visa. The same applies to travellers who have the nationality of the United Kingdom if their passport states: British National Overseas or British Overseas Citizen.

    Do you have the nationality of the United Kingdom, Ireland, another country in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Vatican City, the United Kingdom or Switzerland? Then apply for an eVisitor visa, not an ETA. The validity period and requirements of the ETA and the eVisitor visa are the same. However, applying for an ETA Australia is more expensive than applying for an eVisitor visa.

    Other visa types
    Do you want to stay in Australia for longer than three months? Or do you not meet the requirements for an eVisitor visa, for example because you want to work in Australia? Then apply for another visa type, such as the Working Holiday Visa Australia.

    Some visa types have a rather long processing time. Are you waiting for a work visa or another visa type with a long processing time? Do not apply for an eVisitor visa or ETA in order to travel to Australia. Doing so will overwrite the current application, and you may lose a lot of time and money.

  • How long does the Australia visa last?

    Period of validity and maximum stay
    The validity period of the eVisitor Australia visa is 12 months. This period starts as soon as your application has been approved. From that moment on, you may travel to Australia an unlimited number of times, so long as each arrival is within the validity period of the visa. Each stay in Australia may last up to three months. Even if you arrive on the last day your visa is valid, you may stay in Australia for up to three months.

    Validity of your passport
    Keep the validity of your passport in mind as well. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 more months from the date of arrival in Australia. Is this not the case? Then apply for a new passport. If you acquire a new passport, you must also apply for an Australia visa (again) before you can travel. This is because the visa can only be used in combination with the passport with which it was applied for.

    Maximum stay if you go on a cruise
    Are you going to be on board a cruise ship in Australia? If you dock in Australia again later as part of the same cruise trip, the maximum duration of stay will continue to run from the previous arrival. For example, you arrive in Australia on 1 January by plane. You leave Australia on 1 February by cruise ship. On 1 March, you arrive in Australia again by cruise ship. You may not stay in Australia for another three months. You must leave Australia within 3 months of your previous arrival, so before 1 April.

    If you breach the law or the visa requirements
    Did you breach the visa requirements or other Australian laws? Then the Australian authorities can revoke the validity of your visa, forcing you to leave the country immediately.

    Do you want to stay in Australia longer than three months?
    Then it is not possible to apply for your Australia visa through

  • What can I do during my stay in Australia?

    You may travel to Australia with the eVisitor visa for tourism and business. Visiting friends or family in Australia is also permitted.

    You can also study or take training courses in Australia, but only if they do not last longer than 3 months in total. Nor if it concerns a medical education or training, such as for doctors, dentists, nurses, paramedics and childcare workers.

    Are you travelling to Australia for work? Then take into account these requirements:
    • You may attend meetings, conferences, trade fairs and seminars
    • You may visit (potential) business partners, negotiate and enter into agreements
    • You may carry out activities as part of an official state visit
    • You may not provide or sell services or products to consumers in Australia
    • You may not provide services to or join a company or organisation in Australia
    • Your work must not be paid for by a company, organisation or consumer in Australia

    Volunteering in Australia is only permitted if all these requirements are met:
    • The main reason for your trip is tourism, the volunteering is secondary to that
    • You volunteer only once in Australia and only for a short period of time
    • You will receive at most an allowance in the form of board and lodging, pocket money or living expenses
    • You will not be doing work that would otherwise be done by a paid Australian resident
    • You will only be volunteering for a non-profit organisation
    • Your volunteer work will contribute to the Australian community

    Do you want to stay in Australia for a longer period of time and also do paid work there? Check if you qualify for a Working Holiday or Work and Holiday visa.

  • What requirements do I have to meet?

    Basic requirements for the eVisitor visa Australia:
    • You are travelling for a holiday, business, study, volunteer work or to visit friends and family
    • You arrive in Australia by plane or (cruise) ship
    • You are not travelling to Australia before your visa has been approved
    • You and your family members are not in debt to the Australian government
    • You have sufficient financial resources to pay for your stay and return trip

    Your health
    Your physical and mental health must not pose a risk to the people of Australia. This means you must not be a threat to the public health of Australia, and you must not be a danger to Australian society. Therefore, you cannot travel to Australia if you have tuberculosis. If you are expected to make use of public healthcare or social services in Australia which may result in costs exceeding AUD 49,000.00 or in longer waiting times for residents of Australia for limited capacity care, such as organ transplants or dialysis, you likewise cannot travel to Australia.

    Are you unsure whether you meet these requirements? Before applying for your visa, have an official health check carried out by a doctor associated with the Australian immigration service. If the immigration service suspects, based on your application, that there are risks involved, this health check may also be required.

    Are you pregnant and is there a chance that you will give birth in Australia? Then you cannot apply for an eVisitor visa. You must then apply for a visitor visa (subclass 600) and have a health check carried out by a designated doctor before departure to exclude the risk of hepatitis B.

    You are responsible for the cost of healthcare during your stay in Australia. The cost of medical treatment in Australia can be higher than in the United Kingdom or Ireland. Check before you leave whether you are insured for this via your health insurance or travel insurance. Also check for reimbursement for specialist treatment, private healthcare facilities, ambulance services and dentistry.

    Are you a resident of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Italy, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Ireland, Slovenia, or Sweden? Then you can apply for a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) free of charge before departure. This will enable you to register for the Medicare programme in Australia. After you have applied, your healthcare costs will be paid directly by your health insurance company, and you will not have to pay for them in advance.

    Your character
    Only travellers of good character are eligible for a visa to Australia. You may not apply for an eVisitor visa Australia if there is an increased risk that you will:
    • engage in criminal behaviour,
    • be a danger to the Australian community,
    • harass, abuse, intimidate or stalk another person,
    • defame any part of the Australian community,
    • seek to divide the Australian community
    • cause domestic/family violence

    You also do not meet the requirements for an Australia visa in the following situations:
    • You have received a prison sentence totalling more than 12 months (served or not)
    • You have at some point escaped from prison
    • You have at some point been sentenced for domestic violence or child sexual abuse
    • Your name appears on an Interpol list of persons who may pose a risk
    • You are or have been involved with a person, organisation or group which is likely to be involved in criminal behaviour
    • You are or have been involved in smuggling, trafficking, genocide, a war crime, a crime against humanity, a crime relating to torture or slavery, or a crime of international concern, irrespective of whether you have been convicted of such a crime

    I meet the requirements and want to apply for my visa
    More information about this subject can be found on the pages about the requirements of the Australia visa and the validity duration of the Australia visa.

  • What requirements does my passport have to meet?

    You and all your fellow travellers must have your own passport that is valid for at least 6 more months from the day you arrive in Australia. This must be the same passport that was used to apply for the visa. Does your passport not have sufficient remaining validity? First apply for a new passport, then use that new passport to apply for a (new) visa.

    In addition to normal passports, emergency passports and children’s passports are also accepted. Do you not have a passport? Then you do not meet the requirements. You cannot apply for an Australia visa with a refugee travel document, residence permit, identity card or other type of identity document.

    Your passport must state that you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, Ireland, another country in the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Vatican City or Switzerland.

    Does your passport say: British National Overseas, British Dependent Territories Citizen, British Overseas Citizen, British Protected Person or British Subject? If so, you cannot use the Australia eVisitor visa.

    Do you (also) have Australian nationality? If so, you cannot apply for a visa. Even if your Australian nationality is your second nationality, you cannot apply for a visa for Australia with a passport of your other nationality. Take your Australian passport with you when you travel.

  • Do I still need to take the coronavirus into account?

    The coronavirus measures have been changed a lot over time. That is why it is highly recommended to check the page with recent measures against Covid-19 in Australia, well before departure, and right before departure.

    All you need to know about the coronavirus in Australia

The online application procedure

  • How can I apply for my visa?

    You can easily apply for your Australia visa online. Start by filling in the digital application form. This usually takes no more than five minutes. Make sure that all the information is complete and correct. Afterwards, you can pay the visa cost. This can be done safely with Visa, MasterCard, American Express or PayPal. Immediately after completing the payment, you need to upload a scan or a photograph of the information page of each travellerʼs passport. These documents will then be checked by one of our visa experts. Your application will be processed as soon as the documents are found to meet all the requirements. Once the application is approved the visa can be downloaded, and you can start travelling to Australia.

    Apply for the Australia visa now

    You can also submit a group application. To do so, use the normal application form. At the bottom of the form, you will find a button with the text ‘Add a traveller’. If you click on it, additional fields will be displayed. You can add a maximum of ten travellers to one application form. If you make a group application, you only have to fill in a large portion of the information once, and easily make one combined payment. The cost per person for a group application is the same as for individual applications.

    More information can be found on the page with detailed explanations about filling in the Australia visa application form.

  • Do I need to go anywhere?

    You can apply for your Australian visa online. You do not have to visit a counter, embassy or consulate.

    Apply for the Australia visa online

    Do you have a question or problem? You can find all the answers to frequently asked questions on this page. You can also find detailed explanations in the application form. Are you filling in the form on your computer or laptop? You can click on a field and read the explanation that appears on the right. Are you filling in the form on a tablet or smartphone? Click on the question mark icon to show detailed explanations. You can also read the page with more explanation about filling in the application form.

  • Do I need to have already booked my trip?

    No. The Australian immigration service recommends that you apply for your visa first and then book your trip.

    You can apply for your visa as early as a year before your arrival. It is advised applying for your visa at least a few weeks before departure to ensure that you will receive it well in advance, even if your application is delayed beyond the average delivery time of 5 days due to random checks.

    Your visa must have been granted before you check in for your flight to Australia. This is because most airlines check whether each traveller has a valid visa before departure. If it turns out that you do not have a visa, the airline may deny you access to the plane.

    When you apply for your visa, you must fill in an expected arrival date. You may also make an estimate. You may deviate from this as much as you like, as long as your arrival date falls within the validity period of the visa.

    On arrival in Australia, you do not need to have booked a ticket for the return journey or for a transit.

  • How quickly will my visa be approved?

    On average, it takes 5 days before your application for the Australia visa is approved. You can also opt for an urgent delivery. In that case, the visa is approved within 60 minutes in 95% of the cases. However, about one in twenty applications is subjected to a more extensive check by the immigration service. In that case, an application may take up to several days longer to be processed. This may also occur in case of applications for which urgent delivery was selected.

    The immigration service assesses visa applications one by one. The visas will therefore be approved one by one even if you submit a group application, and not all at once. Sometimes there is a considerable amount of time between the first and last visa being approved. This is normal. You should not worry if the visa for one traveller takes longer than the other.

    The Australian government recommends that you apply for your visa before you book your trip. This can be done as early as a year before you arrive in Australia. You cannot check in until your visa has been approved.

    In rare situations, immigration authorities may request additional documents after you have submitted your application. This may be the case if you are also a citizen of a country with which the Australian government does not have a good relationship, or due to a criminal history or suspicion. Your application may take longer to process in such situations.

    The stated delivery time of 5 days is an average, and not a maximum delivery time. There is a good chance that your application will be approved sooner, but it may also take longer in certain situations, for example if you did not fill in a Visa Grant Number or Visa Label Number which you received when you previously applied for an Australia visa. This can also happen due to planned or unplanned maintenance of the technical systems of or the immigration service. can in no way influence the speed with which your application is processed by the immigration service of Australia.

    The difference between a visa application with urgent delivery and an application without urgent delivery is that processes an application with urgent delivery faster. This is usually done within ten minutes, and always within 24 hours. The application is then checked for common errors and the documents will also be checked to see if they adhere to the requirements. If everything is in order, the application will immediately be forwarded to the immigration service of Australia, where it is checked whether you are admissible and expected to meet the requirements of the visa. If the immigration service has no reason to reject your application, your application will be approved and the visa granted. In that case, it is 95% likely to be downloaded from your personal status page within 60 minutes after you have made the payment.

  • Can I apply for a visa for someone else?

    This is possible. However, you will need permission from each traveller for whom you are applying. Fill in the form and read it out loud to the person concerned. After he or she has confirmed that the form has been filled in completely and correctly, you can make the payment. All information about the status of the application will be sent by e-mail to the e-mail address entered in the application form. You can use your own e-mail address or that of the traveller.

    Are you travelling to Australia with your family or another travel group? Then you can easily apply for a visa for several people at once. This is done with a group application. You can use the same application form as for an individual application. First fill in the form for one of the travellers. Then click on the button "Add a traveller" at the bottom of the form. Additional fields will appear, allowing you to fill in the details of a fellow traveller. Repeat this for each person for whom you wish to apply for an Australia visa.

    The costs of a group application are the same per person, but a group application saves you a lot of work. For example, you only need to fill in contact and travel details once, you only need to make one payment, and the status of all applications are displayed on one status page.

  • What information and documents do I need?

    You only need to have your passport at hand when you start your visa application. Make sure this passport is still valid for 6 months from the day of arrival in Australia.

    To apply for a tourist or business visa for Australia, you do not need flight tickets, hotel bookings, travel plans or a letter of invitation.

    Have you been to Australia before? You will be asked for the Visa Grant Number or Visa Label Number of the visa you used to travel to Australia last time. Did you travel with a digitally issued visa? You can find the Visa Grant Number in that visa or in the confirmation of approval. Did you travel with a visa applied directly to your passport? You can find the Visa Label Number in the upper right-hand corner of the visa.

    Visa Grant Number
    Find your Visa Grant Number

    Visa Label Number
    Find your Visa Label Number

    Are you unable to find your Visa Grant Number or Visa Label Number? You may also leave these fields empty, but this may cause a delay of several days in processing your application.

  • What documents do I need to submit and how?

    After payment, and to complete your application, you will need to submit a photo or scan of your passport information page. If you have submitted a group application, you will need to upload a photo or scan of the passport of each of the travellers included in the application. The passport information page is where all personal details and the identity photo appear.

    It is important that the passport information page is fully visible and that no part of it is covered by objects or, for example, a finger. Also make sure that there are no distracting reflections or shadows in the image. All text must be clear and legible. This applies in particular to the machine-readable area of your passport, that is, the two lines at the bottom of the information page where many “<<<” characters appear. The image may also not include watermarks. Black and white images are, however, acceptable.

    The required documents are submitted digitally only, via a secure online environment. Therefore, you do not need to send any documents by post or hand them in person at any location. When you apply for your Australian visa, you will receive clear instructions on how to upload the required passport scans or photos

  • What does the visa cost and how can I pay?

    The cost of the Australia visa is € 24,95 per person. It does not matter for the costs whether you apply separately per person or combine travellers in a group application. If required, the application can be processed urgently. If you choose this option, there will be a surcharge of € 17,50 per person. The stated costs are service costs that charges for error checking, processing and customer support of your application, including all necessary taxes.

    If you wish, you can also choose for a voluntary CO2 compensation and/or an optional registration of your trip at the embassy. The cost of these optional extras depends on your nationality and the country you are travelling from. You can tick these extras in the application form, which also lists the exact costs. All further information on the possiblity of compensating your CO2 via, can be found in this article.

    You can pay the cost of the visa easily and safely with Visa, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal.

    Once your payment has been processed, you can download a receipt from your personal status page. Once the Australia visa has been granted, you can also download the invoice there.

  • Is there a 0 or an O in my passport number?

    Sometimes, it can be difficult to make out whether the number 0 or the letter O is listed in a document. A British passport number only contains digits. This means that the letter O cannot appear in a British passport number. It is always the number 0.

    Are you applying for a visa through Then a check will always be made to ensure that you have not swapped the letter O and the number 0, especially if your document number has both letters and digits. If this error is noticed, it will always be corrected for you immediately. This way you can still travel without problems.

    Did you apply for a visa through another website? In most cases, this error will not be corrected, and your visa may be invalid. It is not possible to change a wrong passport number, you will have to apply for a completely new visa.

  • Do I still have the nationality of my country of birth?

    In the application form for the Australia visa, you have to fill in whether you have a second nationality. Many travellers are not aware that they still have the nationality of their country of birth. If this has never been officially withdrawn or revoked, it must also be filled in on the application form, as this is your second nationality.

After submitting the application

  • How will I receive my visa and do I need to print it?

    Once your visa application for Australia has been approved, you will receive an e-mail and a text message. The e-mail contains a link which allows you to view your application status page. You can download the visa on that page.

    Usually, the immigration service can already tell from your passport number whether you have a valid visa. Therefore, you usually do not need to present the visa during your trip. However, it is important that you can show the visa at the passport checks during your trip. You can print the visa, but it is also sufficient to show the visa on the screen of your laptop, tablet or phone. Each traveller must be able to present his or her own visa at passport control. Therefore, always keep the visa or the device on which the visa is displayed in your hand luggage.

  • I have not yet received a visa or an e-mail, what now?

    Immediately after you have paid the cost for the visa, you will receive an e-mail. Once you have submitted the required documents, you will receive a second e-mail. This e-mail states that your application and payment have been received in good order. Both e-mails also contain a link to your personal status page. On this status page, you can see exactly what the status of your application is. As soon as the visa is approved, you can also download it there.

    Have you not yet received an e-mail? Check your junk folder or spam box. If you do not find an e-mail with the subject "visa application Australia received" or "Documents required for you Australia visa application" there either, you can check the status of your application online.

    Has your visa application not been approved within the expected time limit? Check your personal status page. There you can read whether it is useful to contact the authorities in your situation. Note that the average delivery time of 5 days is not the maximum, but the average delivery time. Urgent applications are granted within 60 minutes in 95% of the cases, but in 5% of the cases a bit later and very occasionally only after several days. This is usually due to random checks by the Australian immigration service, over which no control can be exercised. Because of this possibility of random checks, no guarantee can be given as to the maximum delivery time.

    Sometimes, there can a long time between the first and last approval within a group application. This is normal and is due to the fact that applications are always assessed individually. If an application for a traveller takes more time than those of other travellers in the same group, it does not mean that the visa application for this traveller has a higher chance of being rejected.

    If you have not filled in a Visa Grant Number or Visa Label Number even though you have been issued one, this may cause a delay of several days.

  • My name is spelled incorrectly on the visa, what now?

    Is the error due to an accent or punctuation mark in your name?
    Like an ü, ä, ö, ç, é, è, ê, ñ or ß? Then this is probably the result of an automatic correction. Special characters in the name, such as umlauts, are not accepted by the system of the Australian immigration service. The name is therefore converted as it appears in the machine-readable part of the passport. These are the two lines containing many "<<<" characters, at the very bottom of the information page in your passport. The top of these two lines contains your name (right after the country code). Is your name spelled here as it is on your visa? Then everything is in order, and you can travel without problems.

    Does the error have nothing to do with a punctuation mark?
    Then you probably spelled your name incorrectly yourself in the application form and the visa is invalid. Is someone else’s name on your visa, or is part of your name missing? This may be due to the automatic completion function of your browser. It was your responsibility to check on the control page, just before paying, that all of the information was entered correctly. The only way to correct this is to apply for a completely new visa.

  • Did I receive the wrong type of visa?

    Did you receive a business visa while travelling as a tourist?
    There is no distinction between business and tourist eVisitor visas for Australia. An eVisitor visa always says "8115 - Business visitor activity", even if you applied for a visa for a holiday. Every eVisitor visa allows you to carry out certain business activities in Australia, but this is of course not compulsory

    Did you receive a study visa while travelling as a tourist?
    The same applies as above. Each eVisitor visa states "8201 - Maximum three months study". Each eVisitor visa allows you to study for up to three months in Australia, but this is not compulsory.

    Is there any other reason why you think you received the wrong visa type?
    This is highly unlikely. Please contact us by replying to the e-mail stating that your visa application has been approved.

  • My passport number is listed incorrectly on the visa, what should I do?

    It regularly occurs that an extra digit is added at the end of the passport number on the visa for Australia. Usually this is the result of an automatic addition of a number that is also on your passport. Look at the information page of your passport. At the bottom are two machine-readable lines (with many <<< characters). These also contain your passport number. Is the same number as the one added to your passport number on the visa displayed directly behind it? If so, this is not a problem, and it does not affect the validity of your visa. You do not need to worry about this.

    Is the passport number as it appears on your visa not the same as in the machine-readable lines on your passport? Then you made a mistake while filling in the passport number in the application form of the Australia visa. This makes your visa invalid, even though it says on the visa that it is valid. You can correct this by applying for a completely new visa.

    Overwrite your current application with a new one

  • Do I have to report changes or corrections and how do I do that?

    Once your application has been processed, you can no longer submit changes or corrections. In some situations this is not necessary. If it is necessary to pass on changes or corrections, you can do so by submitting a completely new application.

    In the following situations you do not have to submit changes or corrections:
    • Your arrival date in Australia has changed
    • You want to use the visa of your previous trip (which is still valid) again
    • You indicated you were travelling for business purposes, but want to travel as a tourist
    • You indicated you were travelling as a tourist, but want to travel for business purposes
    • You forgot to fill in your Visa Grant Number or Visa Label Number

    In the following situations, you must apply for a completely new Australia visa:
    • Your passport details have been filled in incorrectly
    • You are travelling with a different passport than the one used to apply for the visa
    • You have forgotten to fill in your alternative name or second nationality
    • You are unable to truthfully answer all the background questions with "No"

    Overwrite your current application with a new one

  • I cannot check in, what now?

    Has your Australian visa been approved, but are you unable to check in with your airline? Then your passport information is not listed correctly on your visa, or your passport information was not correctly communicated to your airline. This mainly concerns the date of birth, start date, expiry date, full name and passport number. British passport numbers never contain the letter "o". Instead, enter the number "0" at check-in.

    Is your passport information listed correctly on your visa? Contact your airline company immediately. They can then link the correct passport information to your flight ticket, so you can still check in.

    Is your passport information not listed correctly on the visa? Then you have to apply for a completely new visa. The new application must also be paid for again.

    Are you sure that your passport information is listed correctly on the visa and that this has also been communicated correctly to your airline? If so, the problem is probably caused by the passport information of a fellow traveller whom you are trying to check in at the same time. If one traveller cannot check in because of problems with their passport information, sometimes their fellow travellers cannot check in either.

  • My application was rejected, what do I do now?

    Very rarely, applications for the Australia visa are rejected. This can happen if you do not meet the visa requirements or if you have entered incorrect information in the application form.

    Is the rejection due to an incorrectly filled in application form?
    In that case, you must submit a new application.
    Submit a new application for your Australia visa

    Did the same traveller have another application pending?
    In that case several problems may occur. Sometimes the application cannot be processed. Sometimes it may cause the application to be processed (much) longer than usual, and usually it will overwrite all current visa applications and visas approved for Australia. You could have avoided these problems by answering question 7 in the application form correctly.

    If your application for the eVisitor visa is not granted within the expected delivery time, you can still submit an ETA Australia application. However, if an application for an ETA Australia is already pending, you cannot apply for an eVisitor visa.

    Does the rejection have another cause?
    In that case you cannot re-apply for an eVisitor visa, as this application would most likely be rejected immediately. However, you can try to apply for another visa type. cannot assist you with this. You can contact the embassy in London.

    If your application is rejected, you will receive a refund of the fees you paid. This does not apply if you had an application for an Australia visa rejected once before. cannot be held responsible or liable for any damages resulting from a delayed or rejected application. Read more about this in the general terms and conditions.

  • Can I extend the validity of my visa?

    No, it is not possible to extend your visa.

    Have you not yet arrived in Australia? Then you can always apply for a new visa. A new visa will overwrite your old one. This way, you can travel to Australia again for holidays or business an unlimited number of times during twelve months.

    Are you already in Australia? Then you may be able to apply for a different type of visa, which means you do not have to leave the country. This is not possible via

  • Can I cancel my visa application?

    You can cancel your application until the immigration service has started processing it. Usually this happens within ten minutes after you have made the payment.

    Has the immigration service already started processing your application? Then you cannot cancel it completely. In some cases it is still possible to withdraw your application. In this case you will not receive a refund of the costs you have incurred, but the visa will not be approved, and it will not overwrite a previously approved visa or interfere with another ongoing visa application.

    Did you find out after submitting your visa application that it may unintentionally cancel another ongoing visa application or overwrite another approved visa? Then contact us immediately and request to withdraw your application.

    Once your eVisitor visa has been approved, there is no way to cancel or withdraw it. If the eVisitor has unintentionally overwritten another visa type, this cannot be undone. You will have to apply for the other visa type all over again.

    There is no revocation period or withdrawal period. The reason for this is that many travellers want to receive their visa as soon as possible. The application form therefore asks whether you wish to waive a revocation period. You cannot proceed to the payment page without answering "Yes" to this question by checking the box.

Other frequently asked questions

  • I am travelling with children, what should I take into account?

    Children must have their own passport and their own Australia visa. This applies to children of all ages, including babies. The same visa requirements apply for children and babies as for adults.

    Instead of a normal passport, children may also use a children’s passport for their visa application. This only applies to children who have the nationality of a country which issues official children’s passports, such as the UK or Germany.

    Is a child under 18 travelling without both parents?
    Then take a letter of consent with you to Australia, written in English. This must be signed by all individuals who have legal custody of the child and are not travelling with it, such as the parents or guardians. You must also bring a copy of an identification document from each of these people, and their addresses and telephone numbers must be included in the letter of consent. If both parents do not have legal custody of the child, you must also bring an official document showing who does or does not have legal custody. More information can be found on the website

  • Is a visa a guarantee that I will enter Australia?

    No, it is not. If you do not have a visa, you will not be admitted to Australian territory. But even if you do have a visa, the immigration service may refuse you entry. This happens, for example, if it is suspected that you have not complied with the visa rules or if you have filled in the Australia visa application form incorrectly or incompletely.

  • Can I take medicines to Australia?

    Not all medicines can be taken to Australia. For certain medicines, you need a special licence. You can read which medicines this applies to and how to obtain this licence on the website of the NHS.

  • Do I need vaccinations for Australia?

    When travelling abroad it is always wise to check whether you need vaccinations. Some vaccinations are not compulsory, but are recommended. The information on this website was not written by a doctor. Ask your doctor if you need vaccinations or other medical preparations for your trip to Australia.

  • What happens to my personal data?

    The application form for the Australia visa asks for many sensitive personal information. Naturally, you expect that this will be handled with care. guarantees that your data will be protected in accordance with the applicable privacy regulations (GDPR). For this purpose, both technical and organisational precautions have been taken. Your data will only be processed via secure connections and stored in encrypted form. Your data will also be deleted as soon as it is no longer needed. has designed and tested its privacy policy in cooperation with Taylor Wessing, an internationally renowned law firm.

    In order to fulfil an order for the Australia visa application service, passes the information entered in the application form to the Immigration and Citizenship Department (the ‘immigration service’) of the Australian Ministry of Home Affairs. The immigration service will process it in accordance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and is authorised to transfer your personal data to Australian agencies and authorities concerned with: adoption, border control, immigration, business skills, child protection, citizenship, education, fair trade, health assessment, health insurance, health services, industrial relations, law enforcement, payment of pensions and benefits, public safety, review of orders, migration services regulation, pensions, taxation, training and workplace safety. And additionally, to any body of the Commonwealth of Australia, or of a State or Territory, which is responsible for or otherwise involved in the regulation of education providers. And finally, to Australian law enforcement agencies, health agencies and international agencies, including overseas agencies in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada and New Zealand, for the purposes of identity verification.

    The information you provide, including the results of any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) tests, will be used by immigration authorities to assess your health for the purpose of determining your eligibility for an Australia visa. A positive HIV or other test result will not necessarily result in refusal of the visa you applied for, but may mean that your results are passed on to other relevant Commonwealth agencies and health services in the region of your stay. will only process your personal data for the purpose of fulfilling your order for an Australia visa application service. Your data will not be sold or used for other commercial purposes. Nevertheless, the processing of personal data always involves risks, even if all precautions are followed. cannot, for example, influence the above-mentioned government agencies and what they do with your personal data. You can read more about this in the privacy policy.

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Or feel free to contact us, we are happy to help you. is a commercial and professional visa agency, and supports travellers in obtaining, among others, the Australia visa. is an official partner of the International Air Transport Association, IATA, with membership number 57231226, acts as an intermediary, is no law firm, nor does it employ lawyers, does not provide legal advice, and is in no way part of any government. You can also apply for a visa directly with the immigration service (0 AUD per visa, via However, not with our level of support. If you submit your application via, our support centre is available to you 24/7. In addition, we manually check your application and all the documents you provide before submitting it to the immigration authorities on your behalf. If we suspect any errors or omissions while doing so, we will personally contact you to ensure that your application can still be processed quickly and correctly. To use our services, you pay us 0 AUD in consular fees, which we pay to the immigration service on your behalf, as well as € 24,95 in service fees as compensation for our services, including VAT. Our services have saved many travellers from major problems during their trip. Should an application be rejected despite our support and verification, we will refund the full purchase price (unless an application for a previous Australia visa was rejected for the same traveller). Read more about our services here.