Cambodia is an Asian country which is still devoted to its ancient culture and traditions. The country has many unspoilt natural rainforests and many temples that are worth a visit. Also, the country has a lot to offer in terms of culture. On this page, you can find in-depth travel advice for Cambodia, as well as information about the Cambodia visa.

This travel advice does not contain any information regarding the current COVID restrictions. You can find everything you need to know about this topic on the page about COVID-19 in Cambodia.

The advice on this page is based on official government sources, such as the British Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The travel advice on this website is checked and updated regularly to provide the most recent information. is not responsible for any possible consequences that are caused by not considering the travel advice, nor is it responsible for any possible issues that arise despite following up on the recommendations on this page. You remain responsible for your own safety.

Current travel advice

Travel advice for Cambodia | Safe, when considering the security risks

Overall, Cambodia is deemed a safe country for tourists and other travellers. Nevertheless, there are some security risks that you should consider when travelling to the country. Mostly, these are common security risks like street crime and traffic accidents. Additionally, there are some health risks which are considered more severe than in the UK or Ireland.

Beware of landmines. There is a high amount of landmines scattered across various parts of Cambodia. These were used during the civil war and have not yet been cleaned up everywhere in the country. Rural areas and the border regions are the most heavily affected. You are advised to stay on the main roads and clear paths when visiting rural areas or temples. Take any warnings about landmines seriously and leave the area immediately in case of danger. Under no circumstances should you pick up any metal objects from the ground.

Border dispute with Thailand. The border between Cambodia and Thailand has been disputed for many years, even causing violent conflicts. The situation is particularly tense around the temple Preah Vihear and to a lesser degree around the temples Ta Moan and Ta Krabey. Be cautious when visiting the border region and make sure to follow the instructions of the security forces in the area.

Preparing your trip to Cambodia

Even though Cambodia is a relatively safe country to visit, you should consider all security risks. Also, take care to prepare all the necessary travel documents before departing. Read on to find out about the visa and the remaining travel advice for Cambodia.

Travel documents

Make sure to prepare all the following documents before departing to Cambodia.


British and Irish travellers need a visa to be allowed entry to Cambodia. For tourist or business travel of up to 30 days, you can apply for a Cambodia visa online. This visa may also be used for medical travel or airport transits, as long as all the requirements are met.

From the moment it is granted, the visa is valid for 90 days. Both the arrival and departure need to take place within the validity period. Keep in mind that this visa allows you to stay in Cambodia for a maximum of 30 days only. Your passport is stamped upon entering Cambodia, indicating when you have to leave Cambodia the latest. This is not always the same as the expiry date of your visa.
Apply for a Cambodia visa now


A valid passport is needed to apply for a visa and to be allowed entry into Cambodia. When entering Cambodia, your passport should be valid for at least 6 more months. Also, you must travel to Cambodia using the same passport that you used for your visa application. Always check whether your passport fulfils the validity requirements before applying for your visa. This way, you avoid having to apply for a second visa.

Driving licence

British and Irish driving licences are not valid in Cambodia. If you want to drive in Cambodia, you will need to apply for an International Driving Permit (IDP) in your home country, and use it to apply for a Cambodian driving licence after arrival. Applying for a Cambodian licence can be complicated and requires need various documents. Therefore, you are not advised to drive if you only stay in Cambodia for a short period of time.

Travel documents for minors

Minors need to fulfil the same entry requirements as adults. This means that all minors need their own valid passport and visa for Cambodia. Are you an adult travelling alone with your child or another minor? In that case, you should take a document with you which confirms that all persons with parental authority over the minor approve of the trip.

Travel insurance

You are advised to contact your insurance company well in advance of your departure to check whether you are sufficiently insured. Consider taking out health insurance which also covers the costs of repatriation to the UK or Ireland in case of a health emergency. Finally, you are advised to check whether you need additional insurance for the activities you wish to pursue in Cambodia. This can be necessary if you plan to engage in risky activities, such as mountaineering or diving.

Mobile phone

Before departing, you should check the cost of calling and using mobile data in Cambodia with your mobile provider. Be aware that coverage might be limited in remote areas of Cambodia. If you travel to remote areas, it is recommended to buy a local SIM card from a mobile provider with good coverage in the area you intend to visit.


It is essential to check with your bank whether you can use your debit and credit cards in Cambodia. Do this well before departing. It is recommended to carry a debit card, a credit card and cash (USD).


Read the following advice thoroughly to minimise health risks in Cambodia.

Drinking water, food and medicine

Due to the tropical climate in Cambodia, it is essential to drink enough water while travelling. Tap water in Cambodia is non-potable. Keep in mind that ice cubes are often made from tap water. Therefore, it is recommended to order drinks without ice. Drink only water from sealed bottles or that has been previously boiled. However, you can safely wash your mouth with tap water, e.g. after brushing your teeth.

Animals in Cambodia can carry rabies. Therefore, you are advised to avoid contact with (wild) dogs, bats and any other types of (wild) mammals.

Do you use any medicine? Make sure to bring sufficient supplies on your trip. Some types of medicine are not readily available in Cambodia. Also, check beforhand which medicine requires a certificate to be carried to Cambodia.


Mosquitos in Cambodia can carry diseases. The most severe ones are dengue fever, malaria and Zika fever. Malaria is only present in some parts of Cambodia. Before departing, you should check the risk of contracting malaria in the region you are travelling to. Zika fever is often symptomless, but it can pose a severe risk to pregnant women and women trying to conceive. The virus can severely impact the baby. Dengue fever is always dangerous. In case you show any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately: acute high fever, joint or muscle ache, or skin rashes.

To avoid these risks, it is essential to avoid getting bitten by mosquitos. Always use insect repellents, preferably containing DEET or icaridin. Wear clothes that cover most of your body and sleep under a mosquito net.

Law and custom

As a visitor to a country, it is necessary to follow the local rule of law and to respect the local customs. You should always adhere to the following rules:

  • Cambodia is a monarchy. Negative comments or insults towards the royal family are not appreciated and may be punishable.
  • Owning, using or trading in drugs is forbidden and is severely punished. Always keep an eye on your belongings and pack your bag yourself. Do not accept any packages or other items from strangers.
  • It is forbidden to photograph military people, buildings or institutions.
  • Be aware of the clothing guidelines when visiting temples and royal palaces. Generally, it is not allowed to wear short pants, short skirts or short sleeves. Some temples can only be entered barefoot. In Cambodia, it is common to enter a temple or a house with no shoes on.
  • Do not buy any counterfeit items like clothing or handbags. Cambodia is known for its industry surrounding counterfeit goods. Buying and importing counterfeit goods is forbidden in many countries. You might be fined if you are found to carry counterfeit items when returning home.

Natural disasters: extreme rainfall due to the monsoon

The rainy season in Cambodia runs from June to November. Keep a close eye on the weather forecast before and after arrival if you intend to travel to the country during these months. Heavy rainfall can cause floods, mudslides and landslides. Parts of roads may also suddenly sink.

General advice for your safety

Foreign tourists are popular targets of street criminals in many parts of the world. Do not let this discourage you, but keep it in mind while travelling. You can limit the possibility of becoming a victim of this type of criminality by considering the following advice:

  • Be particularly careful when travelling at night, as the chances of being a victim of such criminal behaviour are higher during this part of the day. Especially in cities and tourist areas, you need to be cautious about scams, robbery, mugging and pickpocketing. Always carry your valuable items, such as your purse and smartphone, close to your body. Avoid carrying loose bags.
  • Be wary of offers of rides and invitations from strangers. Ask your hotel if they can recommend any local taxi drivers.
  • You need to be able to identify yourself with a valid passport in Cambodia. However, it is advised to store plane tickets, money and IDs in a safe place. Ask hotel personnel and renting companies to return your passport immediately.
  • Be alert in entertainment districts. Always keep an eye on your drinks because they may be drugged or spiked. It is safer to go out with other people and to not accept any food or drinks from unknown people.
  • You can report crimes at the police station. This is free of charge. Should the police officer ask for money, or if you experience any other difficulties, you can contact the British or Irish embassy for assistance.
  • Follow the instructions and recommendations of the local authorities at all times. Do not blindly trust tourist services, but keep an eye on the local news and forecasts, especially regarding travel by boat. In the past, there have been reports of tourist boats ignoring safety risks and dangerous weather conditions.

Useful contact details

It is useful to save the following phone numbers and addresses in case you find yourself in trouble during your stay in Cambodia. Save the details on your mobile phone and also note them down on a piece of paper that you carry in your luggage, in case you lose your phone. Besides the following numbers, it is useful to save the emergency number of your travel insurance and your bank.

Please be aware of the fact that the consular services can usually only assist you after you tried to contact the local emergency services. Contact the embassy or consulate only after reaching out to the Cambodian emergency services.

Emergency numbers
Ambulance 119
Fire brigade 118
Police 117
Other important phone numbers and contact details
Police (English-speaking) +855 (0) 977 780 002
Tourist police Siem Reap +855 (0) 12 40 24 24
Tourist police Phnom Penh +855 (0) 12 94 24 84
British Embassy Address:
27-29 Street 75, Sangkat Srah Chak, Khan Daun Penh
Phnom Penh

Emergency assistance: +855 (0)61 3000 11/12/44/99
Irish Embassy Ireland has no embassy in Cambodia. In case of emergencies, Irish nationals can contact the Irish embassy in Vietnam.

2nd floor,
41A Ly Thai To
Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi

Emergency assistance +84 24 3974 3291.

Apply for your visa here

One of the most important requirements for travelling to Cambodia is a valid visa. You can easily apply for a visa within minutes using the online application form on this website. The form is completely in English, and if you have any questions, you can contact a visa expert at

Disclaimer: you remain responsible
This travel advice for Cambodia has been compiled with care. Nevertheless, will not accept liability for any problems, damage or injury that may occur from the use of this information. You must remain vigilant at all times while travelling in Cambodia, and you are solely responsible for your safety while travelling and staying in Cambodia, as well as for the choice of whether to take a particular trip. Before travelling to Cambodia, it is advisable to consult the latest security updates from the Government of the United Kingdom regarding travel to Cambodia ( or to consult the British embassy in Phnom Penh, and/or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. is a commercial and professional visa agency, and supports travellers in obtaining, among others, the Cambodia visa. is an official partner of the International Air Transport Association, IATA, with membership number 57231226, acts as an intermediary, is no law firm, nor does it employ lawyers, does not provide legal advice, and is in no way part of any government. You can also apply for a visa directly with the immigration service (36 USD per visa, via However, not with our level of support. If you submit your application via, our support centre is available to you 24/7. In addition, we manually check your application and all the documents you provide before submitting it to the immigration authorities on your behalf. If we suspect any errors or omissions while doing so, we will personally contact you to ensure that your application can still be processed quickly and correctly. To use our services, you pay us 36 USD in consular fees, which we pay to the immigration service on your behalf, as well as € 31,81 in service fees as compensation for our services, including VAT. Our services have saved many travellers from major problems during their trip. Should an application be rejected despite our support and verification, we will refund the full purchase price (unless an application for a previous Cambodia visa was rejected for the same traveller). Read more about our services here.